Laser Tech to Improve Free Space Communications

A high-speed communications technology not limited by a physical conductor such as fiber optics has been developed using laser light to transmit data through readily available open space. This optical free space communication could lead to faster Internet for the............MORE>>>>

Optical Fiber Device Promises Safer Drug Delivery

A new optical fiber-based drug delivery device promises to unlock the potential of photosensitive chemicals to kill drug-resistant infections and perhaps cancer tumors as well. The device was designed and ..............MORE>>>> 

Nanoparticles could offer relief from rashes

Nanoparticles, so tiny that 2,000 would fit across the thickness of a human hair, could prevent the itchy, red rash millions suffer because of allergy to nickel in jewellery, coins...................MORE>>>>

Optical Nanoantennas Could Improve Data Transfer

Metallic antennas 100 nm in size that efficiently receive optical frequencies in the range of several hundreds of terahertz have been realized by researchers, who say this breakthrough could speed up...................MORE>>>> 

Nerve Cells Controlled via Light Pulses

ultralight-sensitive membrane proteins that can be inserted into cell membranes — researchers now can precisely control nerve cell activity with...................MORE>>>>

Tiny inhaled particles take easy route from nose to brain

By University of Rochester Medical Center, [RxPG] In a continuing effort to find out if the tiniest airborne particles pose a health risk, University of Rochester Medical Center scientists showed that when rats breathe in nano-sized materials they follow a rapid and efficient pathway from................MORE>>>>

Nanostructures lend cutting edge to antibiotics

Arming antibiotic drugs with nanostructures would make them much more effective in targeting infected cells. These tiny particles would zoom in on infected cells but leave the healthy ones unharmed, according to................MORE>>>>

Nanotechnology can identify disease at early cellular level

By College of veterinary medicine at Ohio State University, [RxPG] Nanotechnology may one day help physicians detect the very earliest stages of serious diseases like cancer, a new study suggests.It would do so by improving the quality of images produced b................MORE>>>>